Things we should appreciate.

Dear readers,
To answer some of the provocative questions I saw on twitter and different social media about "Earth Day", well don't mock the celebrations because you think something is lame or doesn't make sense.
Earth Day is actually important and each individual celebrate it in their own way because it's a reminder to love the planet we live on. Some one is going to say "We don't forget the Earth" well, I'll say that life gets in the way of appreciating things that's why there is a day in which we should drift away from our busy life and focus on something that is going to add a bit of light to your day.

It has made me happy to take a picture of my feet standing on grass and enjoying the beautiful colors and sun. It didn't kill me, and it has certainly made me much more grateful to Allah.


Another special day we are celebrating this month is The International Book Day. And please hold the meaningless questions and remarks!

The aim of having a "book day" is to remind those who neglect reading, to read again. Whatever sort of book. It makes a person happy. And it definitely takes our mind off of the seriousness of life, for a short while.
People should start appreciating them days because without them, we would forget about many things in life. Having any SOMETHING Day is like putting a reminder or an alarm. Without them, we would forget many things.

  • Taha Hussain
  • Shakespeare
  • Mark Twain
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Charlotte Bronte
  • Najeeb Mahfouz

And many many many more didn't write masterpieces to be forgotten.

Just drop your phones and gadgets and start looking around. This world needs to be appreciated.                          

Till next time
Stay fierce


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