Feature no#2: Fatima Qassim

Hey lovely readers, 
Today's post I'll be featuring a brilliant lady. She's a dear friend.. The girl who designed my engagement dress.. All I can say about her is quoted from Tom Jones' song 'She's a lady'.
Well she's all you'd ever want,
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner.
Well she always knows her place.
She's got style, she's got grace, She's a winner.
She's a Lady. Whoa whoa whoa, She's a Lady.
Talkin' about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Well she's never in the way
Always something nice to say, Oh what a blessing.
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone, and there's no messing.
She's a lady.

The black is made by Fatima Qassim

Describe yourself in few words?
Fierce, independent, and living in a Fashion land.

What inspired you to start your blog?
Family and friends, they were like you have to write about your fashion enthusiast and share it with the world. And it was a struggle to find the right blog until I met my gorgeous French friends as I love to call them, Zahira & Zahra, they created me a tumblr account and I picked up from there.  

Who is your favorite fashionista this time around?
Miroslava Duma, no doubt.

Who inspires you? And what pushes you forward?
Anyone can inspire me and anything; I try to pay attention to every daily detail.

Talk to me about your designing career? When did you start designing? And what was your first design item?
I started designing at age of 13, and we do not want to talk about my first design, it was disaster. I didn’t like the result and thought it might not be my field but my parents were so encouraging and I got over my disappointment. I stared to read and practice more to be able to pursue fashion as a career.
And are you open for business, meaning do you design for people or only yourself/family?
I am open for business, I'm a phone call away.

Where would you go if you were to travel now? Why?
Probably Paris or NY, because they the heart and soul of fashion world.

What advice would you give to people who want to be fashion bloggers? Or to
people who aspire to become something big?
As Edgar Allan Poe said; "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night". To become a fashion blogger or anything big, they must believe in themselves and that they are capable of achieving their dreams, it might take time but by putting their hearts and souls in it they'll reach their destination.

What opinion would you give me on the hijabi fashionistas/ bloggers?
Thank you for asking this question, a very good one. Hijab and modesty are not a trend but a belief and a part of religion which most of us can't simply understand. In order to be a hijabi fashionista/ blogger; one must completely be convinced that what we are wearing represents our religion and it's not a trend to fade. It represents the heights level of thoughts and civilization. Be yourself, wear whatever suits you, and not what the market forces on you.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope ending up as fashion designer and a business woman.

Dress is designed by Fatima Qassim

Till next time
Stay fierce 


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