When have we grown up so suddenly?!

I was thinking out loud with my husband how far we've come from where we started, and we are blessed. Been blessed since the beginning, but only if we knew then what we know now.
Elhamdullah for everything.

A couple of days ago I met with two of my friends here, who are new mommies. I was telling them how crazy it is that just a year ago we were all free spirits with no attachments but our significant others. Now I'm expecting and they've had their beautiful babies just a few months back!
It is funny how life changes and we only stop after a while to notice.

I have taken a vow to always notice and observe things around me. I do not want to end up thinking 'Oh when did this happen' or 'how/why'! I want to be aware of every moment I'm living, I want to be aware of everything I'm experiencing alone or with someone. I want to be present.

It gets me so excited when I notice myself observing a certain thing at the moment of its happening. It makes me happy to realize how aware I am of my surroundings. Trying to get my hubby to do the same; it's gonna take some practice, but we're both patient.

I am satisfied and happy with what I have and not have at the moment.


There are so many things I have planned to do with this blog and my Instagram one, so stay tuned and have a little patience.

Till next time


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