Change is Needed

As always, it starts with a SIGH. Like everything else.

It's funny how people understand things differently. I realized that something can make complete sense to you, but total BS to others. From a personal experience in my life, some people can be hardheaded or just plain stupid. Ugh. It irritates me so much when mom speaks to this person, but her words to that creature mean nothing but the opposite!

I sometimes don't make sense, but I know someone out there gets me.

SubhanAllah how things change so fast; one day we're somewhere facing a certain thing, the next we're in a totally different place doing something completely different.
I don't like to give up on the things I love and enjoy doing, I actually never gave up on anything. But sometimes enough is just enough. There are people who think they have all the right to ruin someone's life or hard work, just because their last name is "big" or they just occupy a high position.
I can't believe I am about to write this, it feels like i am writing my resignation letter, but I think I will quit my job!
The amount of mockery and disrespect I have been feeling lately, is unbelievable. You know what?! I am not calling this "giving up", it is more like "saving my face." Because Allah never lets anyone down, I have faith that He will put me in a better place, and that I will find what makes me happy.

I miss Egypt. My family. The gatherings. The good spirit. The laughter and smiles, no matter what people are facing. Haven't felt so lonely in Eid before. But, Eid Adha Mubarak to you all, my blog readers.
This one goes to the people who ruined my first day of Eid, my huge family, my hubby, and Wafa Al Obaidat; for without the hate, the support, the love, and good spirit I wouldn't be able to write this post today.

Stay fierce,


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