
With the previous I shall start my post.
It is strange how things could change in a very short time. Elhamdullah...

When someone you love falls ill, is the worst thing EVER. Mom is doing better. Sigh. Just when you think that a door has slammed shut in your face, another opens, probably more than one even.
I have found the strength to let go of the people I was attached to. I found it easy once I had the will to do so, for my heart and mind have put so much into those relationships. I got tired, mentally, emotionally, and physically. But Elhamdullah for everything.

I find it weird not to like the idea of LOVE. Why? I mean everyone goes through rough times, but eventually they learn lessons, and they know better not to repeat the same mistake more than three times (for I know we all must have repeated the same mistake at least twice).
I have found love, not with the person I always thought I will end up with, THANK GOD; but with a much better one. I can say I am happy.

At times like this I can't find the words to type down. I am just in the "feeling" moment, now. All is good.
But missing someone so much can backfire. You might not know what this means, but trust me it does backfire!

One thing makes me so much uncomfortable; when someone is only clinging to someone else because they haven't found the right person, yet. I mean, they treat you badly, they judge and they suffocate you then they just dump you. JUST. LIKE. THAT. Why do people put themselves in such situations? Please, save your provoking answers. All I know is that if you care about someone so much you wouldn't make them mad or stand it if they're mad at you other than that, well, is just nonsense.

The last paragraph is dedicated to this friend of mine, who keeps coming up with the most unreasonable excuses for this girl he likes. Sigh.

Anyway. Some matters just keep you up all night thinking, or makes you sleep like a baby.

Stay fierce


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