Triple Threat

You want to hear something funny? Well, life is funny.
It is like a tornado; it comes unexpectedly and it throws you far away, or eats you up.

Today's, rather tonight's, post will be as sweet as muffins and cookies are. 
A great day is when you feel that you have accomplished something, better than what you have thought you would. My day was great- Elhamdullah- for I have discovered that I am capable to work as twice as hard as anyone else. I make people happy and proud, which is the greatest feeling ever. 

You could be friends with whoever you least expect to be be friends with, and it might turn out great. IT IS ALL ABOUT WHO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME WITH, AND WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR TIME DOING.

Yesterday I wrote something about my favorite- NOT PETS- pets, which are the owls, Leopards and Elephants. Today, I will tell you why. 
In my life I realized that I have to be either one of them, two together or the three at the same time.

Owls: They see when no body can. They're sharp and fierce. It doesn't matter what the prey is, they manage to get what they set their minds to get. They don't fear the unknown, for they come alive when most things tend to hide. Determination at its best.

Leopards: I have come so close to a Leopard, once in my life. And I am ready to do it, again. The fulfilling experience of being so close to something so dangerous and vicious is such an Adrenalin pumping feeling. That is exactly how a Leopard feels like; when they get close to something they, somehow, feel threatened by but manage to overcome the fear, they turn to this unbreakable beast. THEY CANNOT BE TAMED. 
Their loudness, their fast movement, their angry gaze, and beautiful looks; makes everyone want them and be like them. They give me the "You ain't never gonna top that" attitude. SASSY.

Last but, duaaah, not least... *drums* 

Elephants: They are as sweet, gentle, loving and caring as their huge size. They're the sweetest of all. They'd come and hunt you down, if you threaten their quiet zone or come close to whatever/whoever they love. Giving and humble. They smile when there's nothing else they can do; when words, movements, and emotions betray them. Compassionate. I would call them 'The mothers of the jungle'. 

Anyone and everyone can be one of them beautiful creatures, or can be two, or the triple threat. 
I see myself  as a Leopard, in my anger. I see myself as an Elephant, in my humble and truthful moments. And I see myself as an Owl, when I'm determined to fight for what I want, till I get it; and I get it.

You might represent other creatures. You might represent these. But mother nature never fails to give us examples of who we are, and what we can become.

I have three necklaces that represent my animals, I wear them to put myself in the mood and to be in character AT ALL TIMES.

Till next time, 
Be fierce. xx


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