Postpartum Drama

As much as I want to write about my delivery story, I will have to put that off. Maybe in the next post!
I want to talk about all the things that happened right after I went back home from the hospital.

The fact that so many people, family and non family, interfere with everything that is non of their business is hurtful.

Why does anyone think it is ok to watch me breastfeed? I do not like it at all and won't tolerate it.
Why does anyone think it is ok to tell me to stop feeding my baby? just because they want to hold him and I am getting in the way of that by doing so.
Why the drama when I ask people nicely to wash their hands before touching my baby?
What is so important when changing my baby's dipper that makes so many people want to watch? It is so uncomfortable and unacceptable.
Why do you want to wake my baby up, forcefully, whenever he's peacefully sleeping? Newborns sleep and wake up to feed only to sleep again in their first month; it is essential for their development. Imagine getting in the way of that!
It is not easy to put a baby back to sleep especially if he's Colic.
When I ask you to not bounce my baby, respect my wishes.

If my baby falls asleep when held, put him down. Do not continue to carry him.

Do not talk to me about losing weight. I GAVE BIRTH TO A HUMAN BEING after having him growing inside for 9 months. GIVE US BOTH A BREAK.

The middling of people with everything in my life that is non of their business is depressing.
Why tell other people what to do, how to do it, how to feel about it, etc.

 ليه الناس مش عايزه تبطل تتدخل في حياه الناس؟ 
ليه مافيش احترام لخصوصيات الغير؟
انا عايزه اعيش حياتي بقوانيني انا, وغصب عن اي حد لازم احترام القوانين دي. من غير زعل ولا دراما...
زي مانا بحترم نفسي وبحترم رغبات الغير و تفكيرهم و اعمالهم, لازم الغير يحترموا رغباتي وتفكيري واعمالي برضو. 

.Because at the end of the day, it is me who deals with all of this alone


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