
The ONLY father figure in my life was/ is my Grandpa (Allah yrhamo).
Even though he was tough, sometimes, he never did anything bad that would erase all the goods he made. I miss him more than anything in this world. He was my true best friend, I was his princess. I can't wish to get him back, because he is with Him, Allah, who is better than anyone and anything. But I only wish to feel as happy as I did, when he was around.

It is so strange how one day we're something, and the next we're something else. I mean, it takes one bad day to make us appreciate all the good days we had/ will have- In'shaa'Allah.

Death comes so suddenly. It leaves us, the ones still breathing, in a very strange state of mind. I mean as a Muslim, I am- Elhamdullah- a true believer, but as human beings, we feel all kinds of terrible things when we hear of / face the death of a close one. Sigh.
رحمتك و رضاك يا رب

You know what else sucks?! The fact that your loved ones don't listen anymore. Yes you can find all kinds of people who will sit and hear you talking about this and that, but how many will truly and carefully LISTEN? Very few, sometimes ZERO.

I understand that everyone has millions of things to do in their day, but when did 'listening' to someone in need become so not important? I mean, I really need to talk here!
Sigh. I wish anyone who's neglecting their close friend, sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, fiance, mother or father, would actually stop doing that and hear them out. Not to be dramatic here or anything, but remember the Death topic? Yeah well, one second you are here, but the next one only Allah knows where you would be. I AM NOT WISHING ANY OF YOU ANY HARM. I am only giving you a small advice, which is to truly listen to whoever has something, big or small, to talk about.

I am a live example, I listen but sometimes I forget to. However, I always remind myself to never stop listening to someone. And I am, too, one person who suffers from the negligence of her LOVED ones. Sigh.

You will always fight. Say something very hurtful to someone at a moment of anger. You will cry. You will lose patience. But NEVER lose hope, because everything will be okay. Just take a deep breath. Allah is always there. He listens. His door is always open.

There are many things to talk about in this world. One topic at a time.
In the mean time, though, take a moment and pray for all the lost souls around the WORLD. Pray for tomorrow to be better. Pray that your faith will always get stronger, not weaker. Because what is coming, won't be easy. We have to fight harder every day. We have to stay strong. Always keep Allah in your heart, soul, and mind.

 Stay fierce,


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